Wrapping ORIGAMI Case

Yoshimura Pattern Origami jewelry case

These case were made using an origami technology called Yoshimura Pattern Origami. It's all made of paper.
It is a case originally designed by MENTOSEN / SHINKO STUDIO.

All MENTOSEN products come with this ORIGAMI case for free.

* Application for design registration

ラッピング ORIGAMI (おりがみ) ケース MENTOSEN

Interesting Paper Works

The beauty of Yoshimura Pattern has always moved my heart and I've always wanted to make it into a model.

So, I started developing this jewelry case.

The beauty of the shade of white paper is made up of "Surfaces" and "Lines."

I was refused production by a number of paper container makers, and the last one to make was Fukunaga Printing.

The work of "folding" was cumbersome, and it was  end up folded and formed by hand. After repeated trial and error, it was completed.

The relationship between digital and human beings, which is designed digitally and folded by human hands, is condensed in this case.


Design Akiko Yonei

ラッピング ORIGAMI (おりがみ) ケース MENTOSEN
